Serial port and GPS

Serial2IP Fields

The fields of the Serial2IP class are listed below. For a complete list of Serial2IP class members, see the Serial2IP Members topic.

Public Static (Shared) Fields

DEFAULTPORTDefault UDP or TCP port to use
DEFAULTTYPDefault IP server type

Private Static (Shared) Fields

MAXCONNECTIONSMaximal number of connections for the TCP/UDP server

Private Instance Fields

m_isactiveIf the server is active
m_logstrStream for logging, if logging switched on
m_lthrThread listening for incoming connections
m_tcpclntsArray of connected TCP clients
m_tcpserverThe TCP server
m_udpclntsArray of connected UDP clients
m_udpserverThe UDP server

See Also

Serial2IP Class | serial Namespace