Serial port and GPS

SerialGPSForm Methods

The methods of the SerialGPSForm class are listed below. For a complete list of SerialGPSForm class members, see the SerialGPSForm Members topic.

Public Instance Methods

Activate (inherited from Form) 
AddOwnedForm (inherited from Form) 
BeginInvoke (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
BringToFront (inherited from Control) 
Close (inherited from Form) 
Contains (inherited from Control) 
CreateControl (inherited from Control) 
CreateGraphics (inherited from Control) 
CreateObjRef (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) 
Dispose (inherited from Component)Overloaded.  
DoDragDrop (inherited from Control) 
DrawToBitmap (inherited from Control) 
EndInvoke (inherited from Control) 
Equals (inherited from Object) 
FindForm (inherited from Control) 
Focus (inherited from Control) 
GetChildAtPoint (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
GetContainerControl (inherited from Control) 
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) 
GetLifetimeService (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) 
GetNextControl (inherited from Control) 
GetPreferredSize (inherited from Control) 
GetType (inherited from Object) 
Hide (inherited from Control) 
InitializeLifetimeService (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) 
Invalidate (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
Invoke (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
LayoutMdi (inherited from Form) 
PerformAutoScale (inherited from ContainerControl)Overloaded.  
PerformLayout (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
PointToClient (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
PointToScreen (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
PreProcessControlMessage (inherited from Control) 
PreProcessMessage (inherited from Control) 
RectangleToClient (inherited from Control) 
RectangleToScreen (inherited from Control) 
Refresh (inherited from Control) 
RemoveOwnedForm (inherited from Form) 
ResetBackColor (inherited from Control) 
ResetBindings (inherited from Control) 
ResetCursor (inherited from Control) 
ResetFont (inherited from Control) 
ResetForeColor (inherited from Control) 
ResetImeMode (inherited from Control) 
ResetRightToLeft (inherited from Control) 
ResetText (inherited from Control) 
ResumeLayout (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
Scale (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
ScrollControlIntoView (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
Select (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
SelectNextControl (inherited from Control) 
SendToBack (inherited from Control) 
SetAutoScrollMargin (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
SetBounds (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
SetDesktopBounds (inherited from Form) 
SetDesktopLocation (inherited from Form) 
Show (inherited from Form)Overloaded.  
Show (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
ShowDialog (inherited from Form)Overloaded.  
SuspendLayout (inherited from Control) 
ToString (inherited from Form) 
Update (inherited from Control) 
Validate (inherited from ContainerControl)Overloaded.  
ValidateChildren (inherited from Form)Overloaded.  

Protected Instance Methods

AccessibilityNotifyClients (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
ActivateMdiChild (inherited from Form) 
AdjustFormScrollbars (inherited from Form) 
ApplyAutoScaling (inherited from Form)Obsolete.  
CenterToParent (inherited from Form) 
CenterToScreen (inherited from Form) 
CreateAccessibilityInstance (inherited from Control) 
CreateControlsInstance (inherited from Form) 
CreateHandle (inherited from Form) 
DefWndProc (inherited from Form) 
DestroyHandle (inherited from Control) 
Dispose (inherited from Form)Overloaded.  
doInvoke (inherited from FormWithInvoke)Gently invoke the given procedure
doStop (inherited from FormWithInvoke)Stop gently the process
Finalize (inherited from Component) 
GetAccessibilityObjectById (inherited from Control) 
GetScaledBounds (inherited from Form) 
GetScrollState (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
GetService (inherited from Component) 
GetTopLevel (inherited from Control) 
InitLayout (inherited from Control) 
InvokeGotFocus (inherited from Control) 
InvokeLostFocus (inherited from Control) 
InvokeOnClick (inherited from Control) 
InvokePaint (inherited from Control) 
InvokePaintBackground (inherited from Control) 
IsInputChar (inherited from Control) 
IsInputKey (inherited from Control) 
MemberwiseClone (inherited from MarshalByRefObject)Overloaded.  
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)Overloaded.  
NotifyInvalidate (inherited from Control) 
OnActivated (inherited from Form) 
OnAutoSizeChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnAutoValidateChanged (inherited from ContainerControl) 
OnBackColorChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnBackgroundImageChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnBackgroundImageLayoutChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnBindingContextChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnCausesValidationChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnChangeUICues (inherited from Control) 
OnClick (inherited from Control) 
OnClientSizeChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnClosed (inherited from Form) 
OnClosing (inherited from Form) 
OnContextMenuChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnContextMenuStripChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnControlAdded (inherited from Control) 
OnControlRemoved (inherited from Control) 
OnCreateControl (inherited from Form) 
OnCursorChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnDeactivate (inherited from Form) 
OnDockChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnDoubleClick (inherited from Control) 
OnDragDrop (inherited from Control) 
OnDragEnter (inherited from Control) 
OnDragLeave (inherited from Control) 
OnDragOver (inherited from Control) 
OnEnabledChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnEnter (inherited from Form) 
OnFontChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnForeColorChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnFormClosed (inherited from Form) 
OnFormClosing (inherited from Form) 
OnGiveFeedback (inherited from Control) 
OnGotFocus (inherited from Control) 
OnHandleCreated (inherited from Form) 
OnHandleDestroyed (inherited from Form) 
OnHelpButtonClicked (inherited from Form) 
OnHelpRequested (inherited from Control) 
OnImeModeChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnInputLanguageChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnInputLanguageChanging (inherited from Form) 
OnInvalidated (inherited from Control) 
OnKeyDown (inherited from Control) 
OnKeyPress (inherited from Control) 
OnKeyUp (inherited from Control) 
OnLayout (inherited from Form) 
OnLeave (inherited from Control) 
OnLoad (inherited from Form) 
OnLocationChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnLostFocus (inherited from Control) 
OnMarginChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnMaximizedBoundsChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnMaximumSizeChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnMdiChildActivate (inherited from Form) 
OnMenuStart (inherited from Form) 
OnMinimumSizeChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnMouseCaptureChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseClick (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseDoubleClick (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseDown (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseEnter (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseHover (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseLeave (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseMove (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseUp (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseWheel (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
OnMove (inherited from Control) 
OnNotifyMessage (inherited from Control) 
OnPaddingChanged (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
OnPaint (inherited from Form) 
OnPaintBackground (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
OnParentBackColorChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnParentBackgroundImageChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnParentBindingContextChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnParentChanged (inherited from ContainerControl) 
OnParentCursorChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnParentEnabledChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnParentFontChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnParentForeColorChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnParentRightToLeftChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnParentVisibleChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnPreviewKeyDown (inherited from Control) 
OnPrint (inherited from Control) 
OnQueryContinueDrag (inherited from Control) 
OnRegionChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnResize (inherited from Form) 
OnResizeBegin (inherited from Form) 
OnResizeEnd (inherited from Form) 
OnRightToLeftChanged (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
OnRightToLeftLayoutChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnScroll (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
OnShown (inherited from Form) 
OnSizeChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnStyleChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnSystemColorsChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnTabIndexChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnTabStopChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnTextChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnValidated (inherited from Control) 
OnValidating (inherited from Control) 
OnVisibleChanged (inherited from Form) 
ProcessCmdKey (inherited from Form) 
ProcessDialogChar (inherited from Form) 
ProcessDialogKey (inherited from Form) 
ProcessKeyEventArgs (inherited from Control) 
ProcessKeyPreview (inherited from Form) 
ProcessMnemonic (inherited from Form) 
ProcessTabKey (inherited from Form) 
RaiseDragEvent (inherited from Control) 
RaiseKeyEvent (inherited from Control) 
RaiseMouseEvent (inherited from Control) 
RaisePaintEvent (inherited from Control) 
RecreateHandle (inherited from Control) 
ResetMouseEventArgs (inherited from Control) 
RtlTranslateAlignment (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
RtlTranslateContent (inherited from Control) 
RtlTranslateHorizontal (inherited from Control) 
RtlTranslateLeftRight (inherited from Control) 
ScaleControl (inherited from Form) 
ScaleCore (inherited from Form) 
ScrollToControl (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
Select (inherited from Form)Overloaded.  
SetAutoSizeMode (inherited from Control) 
SetBoundsCore (inherited from Form) 
SetClientSizeCore (inherited from Form) 
SetDisplayRectLocation (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
SetScrollState (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
SetTopLevel (inherited from Control) 
SetVisibleCore (inherited from Form) 
SizeFromClientSize (inherited from Control) 
UpdateBounds (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
UpdateDefaultButton (inherited from Form) 
UpdateStyles (inherited from Control) 
UpdateZOrder (inherited from Control) 
WndProc (inherited from Form) 

Protected Internal Instance Methods

GetAutoSizeMode (inherited from Control) 
GetStyle (inherited from Control) 
OnMenuComplete (inherited from Form) 
ProcessKeyMessage (inherited from Control) 
SetStyle (inherited from Control) 

Internal Instance Methods

ActivateFocusCues (inherited from Form) 
AfterTopMostControl (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
BeginInvokeInternal (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
CalculateCanvasSize (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
CaptureWithConfine (inherited from Control) 
ChangingParent (inherited from Form) 
CheckAcceptButton (inherited from Form) 
ChildControlRemoved (inherited from ContainerControl) 
ClientSizeFromSize (inherited from Control) 
DndContinueDrag (inherited from Control) 
DndDrop (inherited from Control) 
DndEnter (inherited from Control) 
DndFeedback (inherited from Control) 
DndLeave (inherited from Control) 
DndOver (inherited from Control) 
DoDefaultAction (inherited from Control) 
FindContainer (inherited from Control) 
FindRootParent (inherited from Control) 
FireClosingEvents (inherited from Form) 
FireEnter (inherited from Form) 
FireLeave (inherited from Form) 
FireValidated (inherited from Control) 
FireValidating (inherited from Control) 
FocusInternal (inherited from Form) 
GetCreateParams (inherited from Control) 
GetObjectIdentity (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) 
GetPreferredSizeCore (inherited from Form) 
GetRealChildAtPoint (inherited from Control) 
HandleClick (inherited from Control) 
InternalGetContainerControl (inherited from Control) 
InternalPreProcessMessage (inherited from Control) 
InternalSizeFromClientSize (inherited from Control) 
IsInputCharInternal (inherited from Control) 
obj_address (inherited from Object) 
OnActivatedInternal (inherited from Form) 
OnDeactivateInternal (inherited from Form) 
OnDragDropEnd (inherited from Control) 
OnPaintBackgroundInternal (inherited from Control) 
OnPaintInternal (inherited from Control) 
OnResizeInternal (inherited from Control) 
OnSizeInitializedOrChanged (inherited from Control) 
OverrideHeight (inherited from Control) 
PaintControlBackground (inherited from Control) 
PerformAutoScale (inherited from ContainerControl)Overloaded.  
PerformDelayedAutoScale (inherited from ContainerControl) 
PointToClient (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
PointToScreen (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
PreProcessControlMessageInternal (inherited from Control) 
ProcessControlMnemonic (inherited from Control) 
RaiseCloseEvents (inherited from Form) 
RaiseHelpRequested (inherited from Control) 
RemoveWindowManager (inherited from Form) 
Select (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
SelectActiveControl (inherited from Form) 
SendControlFocus (inherited from ContainerControl) 
SetBoundsCoreInternal (inherited from Control) 
SetBoundsInternal (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeAutoScroll (inherited from Form) 
ShouldSerializeAutoScrollMargin (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
ShouldSerializeAutoScrollMinSize (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
ShouldSerializeAutoSize (inherited from Form) 
ShouldSerializeAutoValidate (inherited from ContainerControl) 
ShouldSerializeBackColor (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeCursor (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeEnabled (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeFont (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeForeColor (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeIcon (inherited from Form) 
ShouldSerializeImeMode (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeLocation (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeMargin (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeMaximumSize (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeMinimumSize (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializePadding (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeRightToLeft (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeSite (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeSize (inherited from Control) 
ShouldSerializeTransparencyKey (inherited from Form) 
ShouldSerializeVisible (inherited from Control) 
UpdateChildrenZOrder (inherited from Control) 
UpdateSizeGripVisible (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
UpdateWindowText (inherited from Form) 

Private Instance Methods

closeOperationCloses serial port and the IP client.
deactivateControlsActivates or deactivates controls depending on type
dologLog method
gpscoordCallback method for coordinates received from GPS
InitializeComponentLayout of the form
menuCfg_ClickCalled for the Config menu
menuClose_Click Event handler for the menu item close.
menuDoff_ClickDisplay off
menuExit_Click Event handler for the menu item exit.
menuLog_ClickSwitches logging on or off
menuMap_ClickShows or hides the map form
menuOpen_Click Opens the serial port.
onCloseEvent method called if the form is closed
onMapFormDisposeEvent if the map form is disposed
printExcp Common method for showing exception errors occured in this form.
readCfgReads configuration into combos
typeChangedCalled if the type in m_type changes
updGPSControlsEvent procedure called after each new GPS coordinates
writeCfgWrites setting to the configuration file

See Also

SerialGPSForm Class | serial Namespace | BmpMapForm | Gpsx | IPClient | IPClientGPS | Serial | SerialGPS | Utils.toUTM() | Utils.displayOff()